
A part of our history and how we got here…Tony and Marsha Snow started our farm in 1976. In the early years it was a conventional Holstein Dairy. In 1984 the first 3 Brown Swiss were bought. It didn’t take long to fall in love with them and add more to our herd. In 2004 we switched to a grass based dairy and started grazing our cows. By 2012 every acre of our farm was in grass.

In May of 2019 we became certified organic and 100% grass fed. In March of 2021 we were notified from the company buying our milk that our route was being terminated due to a low volume of milk on the route and location issues. After being unsuccessful in finding another market for our milk we have decided to direct market to the consumer. We are starting with Raw Milk which has to be picked up at the farm. We are planning on adding some processing equipment and offering pasteurized milk and other products in the future.

Rocky Road Dairy is owned andĀ operated by the Snow family from Mulberry Grove, IL. We have been blessed to call our beautiful 312 acre certified organic dairy farm, home since 1976. Our herd of Registered Brown Swiss dairy cows is 100% Grass Fed all day, every day. The cows are given a fresh 2-acre paddock of high quality perennial grasses every 24 hours. This gives each paddock a rest period of 30 days, allowing the grass to regrow to the ideal height of 12-16 inches. The intense management of these high quality grasses keep the cows happy and healthy while producing superior milk for your family and ours. At Rocky Road Dairy there is a relentless dedication to excellence that you can taste in our products!